Start-Up Tank 2019

March 11, 2019

CKSVIM (C.K. Shah Vijapurwala of Management, India) presents "Start-Up Tank 2019" in association with UIU Finance Forum the wing of "Career Counseling Center" of United International University, Bangladesh. CKSVIM has organized this in collaboration with Marywood University, USA as well as several industry and academic collaboration in Gujarat, India.

Start-Up Tank 2019: The Challenge will give students real-time experience about the dynamics of venture creation by developing an idea, putting together a founding team, writing a business plan, and presenting to investors, venture / seed capitalists.
In fact, many ideas which are going to be pitched in Start-Up Tank 2019: The Challenge can be turned into start-up companies.


TEAM of 2 to 5 Students can participate with One Business Idea.

About 100 TEAMS are expected to participate in this exciting, hair-raising, interdisciplinary Startup challenge! No limit on number of Teams from each College / University.

[Selected students shall have a life – changing chance to do MBA/MIS (Innovative & Entrepreneurship) from School of Business & Global Innovation, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania State, USA with Scholarships.]


1st Prize BDT 50,000 per Team + Grand Trophy (1 no.)
2nd PrizeBDT
30,000 per Team + Trophy (2 nos.)
3rd Prize BDT
20,000 per Team + Trophy (2 nos.)
10 Star Prizes of BDT 2,000tk per team to 10 Winner Teams.

[Certificate of Participation to all TEAM Members]

**Last Date of Registration: 6th March,2019.**
Registration Fee: 100tk each member on Cash/ on bkash 105tk. (Team should be formed with 2 to 5 members)

Registration Link:

Payment: Cash OR Bkash
+8801825584677 (send money to this Bkash number)

[N.B: After payment you have to give a text to +8801825584677 this number mentioning your name, your contact number and transaction ID. Otherwise, your registration won't be confirmed.]


Pitch Delivery: Business Plan Presentation-

  • Students must submit the business idea for the competition from March 07 to 09, 2019.
  • Participants have to submit the idea to the given e-mail ID -
  • Students have to give full PowerPoint presentation of their business idea on 10 March, 2019.
  • The Grand Finale will be held on 11 March, 2019 at UIU Permanent Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  1. Be able to present in 10 – 15 minutes (max).
  2. Make a “killer” closing (1-line, that is easy to remember)
  3. Enthusiastic, passionate about the idea, full of energy with Business vision and acumen.
  4. Note: This is a competition in which both the innovativeness of the business idea and the quality of the business plan shall be evaluated. The competition rewards creative thinking on innovative products / services / delivery, as well as the TEAM’s strategy to implement its business plan.


For any query feel free to contact with us to the given numbers:
01629820464, 01687771951.


1.Registration fee is non-refundable.
2. Input your team name and other details correctly.
3. Please bring your university ID card during the time of competition.
4. Participants are not allowed to bring any unwanted guest or illegal materials.
6. Any unfair attempt or miss behavior will be the reason for disqualification.
7. Any damage to UIU properties will not be tolerated.
8. UIUFF authority is NOT liable for losing any electrical or other valuable products.
9. Do not throw any container or food wastage at campus except dustbin.
10. UIUFF reserves the right to taking any decision regarding the competition.
11. Participants are free to consult if they have any queries.



